
七之四 灯花


Looking at A Da and Liu Er, the two kids,
They reminded me of the girl I loved, my “little sister”.
I don't know where she is,
I don't know how she is.

天上几盏明星 山中睡着白云
河流是夜的秀发 渡口缀满灯花
Look at the shining stars. The clouds sleep in the valley.
The river is the night's beautiful hair, the ferry crossing filled with lantern flowers.

商客驾着驴车 村民篝火谈心
孩童于怀中熟睡 异乡人在水边发呆
Traders ride their donkey wagons. Villagers chat around a campfire.
Children sleep sound in parents' arms. A stranger sits by the water; his mind drifts away.

那年小妹刚十八 携手田间东风纸鸭
同去河边放灯 看两岸杨柳蒹葭
That year my little sister just turned eighteen. When the east wind blew, we went kite-flying in the field, hand in hand.
We floated lanterns on the water, looking at the willows and reeds along the river band.

离家已十三载 两鬓早就添了白
仿佛做了不少事 好像什么也没有
Grey has crept on my temples. Thirteen years passed since I left hometown.
Many things I seemed to have done. Yet among them I achieved none.

星辰啊 请告诉我
清风啊 带我走吧
The stars shine, yet a different sight.
For whom you stand, until chilly mid-night.
Oh stars, tell me please.
Oh winds, take me please.

天上几盏明星 山中睡着白云
河流是夜的秀发 渡口缀满灯花
Look at the shining stars. The clouds sleep in the valley.
The river is the night's beautiful hair, the ferry crossing filled with lantern flowers.

商客驾着驴车 村民篝火谈心
孩童于怀中熟睡 异乡人 异乡人
Traders ride their donkey wagons. Villagers chat around a campfire.
Children sleep sound in parents' arms. A stranger. A stranger.

Look at those young swallows, pecking on the spring mud.
On that banyan tree, the little creatures are nesting.
In front of houses there runs a gut.
On the road entering the village a yellow dog is lying.


门前的走出快诶 门前的
后边的跟牢快诶 后边的
走来转用着 用弗著
You lot in the front, go faster and row!
You lot at the back, catch up and row!
So vast, the universe really is.
So small, the world really is.
Can you come back? Or can you not?


“Hey, what is your name?”
“Me? My name is Gu Yuanshan, my courtesy name Miaowen.”
“Such a long name. Sounds ugly!”
“Then what is your name.”
“My mom calls me Lao San. You can call me little sister!”

“My teacher taught me how to write today. Little sister I can teach you now.”
“Wow, this is how my name looks like!”

“Gu Yuanshan! You bastard! If you climb up our wall again I will break your leg!”
“Go go go. To the temple! My father is coming back from fishing!”

“You are a big man and you don't know how to swim? So stupid!”
“Who told you that?!”
“Lao San, listen. He is not so strong and he can get sick easily. Why did you force him to swim? Our Miaowen is going to take the national exam and become a government officer some day. I will go to talk to your father!”

“Here. It won't go loose now!”
“This sachet is for me?”
“Another word, and I will take it back!”

“Why are you going to Nanjing? It is so far away!”
“You are a girl. What do you know!”
“If you go, I will marry someone else!”
“Huh. That won't work. I will go anyway! I am burdened with bigger purpose!”
“Then I will go get married somewhere very very far! So far away you will never find me again!”
“Fine. Go! You go!”

七之四 灯花》由上海彩虹室内合唱团演唱,该首音乐收录在《白马村游记》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



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