
七之三 渡口


Mother dragged close her boy, A Da:
“If you don't behave yourself, the water spirit will catch you and eat you!”
The child seemed to be hit by a magic spell and leaned on his mother right away.

西村渡口 依著山林 无人问津
此去白马 十三里地 嘿哟嘿哟
The west ferry crossing sits by the hill; no one there but the waters flow.
From there to the White Horse Village, hey-yo hey-yo, thirteen miles to go.

西村渡口 通往东南 永嘉岩头
两岸野草 水波不惊 嘿哟嘿哟
From the west ferry crossing, southeast you go; in Yongjia you meet a village called Yantou.
On the riversides, the weeds grow. Quietly the waters flow. hey-yo hey-yo.

一叶龙舟 好似鬼族 青面獠牙
张牙舞爪 吃小朋友
There goes a dragon boat. Black-faced and buck-toothed, as if from the world below.
Gnashing teeth and waving claws; It is the children it likes to swallow.
hey-yo hey-yo.

别出声 你别出声
少言语 君少言语
一二三 走快来!
Make no sound. You make no sound.
Let it pass through. To the direction it is bound.
Speak little. Sir, speak little.
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.
One two three. No more delay!

西村渡口 白衣少女 涉水而行
水草鲜美 缠住了她 嘿哟 嘿哟
At the west ferry crossing is a girl in white, through the waters the young lady hikes.
In the fresh water weeds, entangled she is. Hey-yo hey-yo.
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.

西村渡口 扑腾一阵 忽忽悠悠
时而探脑 时而眨眼 嘿哟嘿哟
一二三来 走快来!
At the west ferry crossing, the dead flops, hazy in the waves.
Popping their heads; blinking their eyes. Hey-yo, hey-yo
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.
One two three. No more delay!

青青子衿 悠悠我心
但为君故 沈吟至今
大家人 要注意
Blue is the lapels of your gown. In solitude my longing heart lay.
For you I stay. I repeat my prayers to this day.
Everyone. Beware on your way.

青青子衿 悠悠我心
西村渡口 少年莫往 幼女少行
门前的走出快!划来啊! 后边的跟牢快!划来啊!
龙王今日要点兵诶 龙王今日要点兵诶
Blue is the lapels of your gown. In solitude my longing heart lay.
The west ferry crossing. Do not let young lads go. Do not let little girls approach.
You lot in the front, go faster and row! You lot at the back, catch up and row!
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today. The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.

但为君故 沈吟至今
去向阴间水牢地狱 上龙舟 龙舟
龙王今日要点兵诶 龙王今日要点兵诶
一二三来啊 一二三来 欸噻喔 划来啊!
For you I stay. I repeat my prayers to this day.
Toward the world below, the dungeon and inferno. Get on the dragon boat. The dragon boat.
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today. The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.
One two three, come! One two three, come! Eh-ce-yo. Row!

青青子衿 悠悠我心
西村渡口 小孩不乖 送去伺候
门前的走出快!划来啊! 后边的跟牢快!划来啊!
龙王今日要点兵诶 龙王今日要点兵诶
Blue is the lapels of your gown. In solitude my longing heart lay.
At the west ferry crossing. For naughty kids, the place will show them the way.
You lot in the front, go faster and row! You lot at the back, catch up and row!
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today. The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.

但为君故 沈吟至今
儿要多听 母亲的话 要回头 回头
龙王今日要点兵诶 龙王今日要点兵诶
一二三来啊 一二三来 欸噻喔 划来啊!
For you I stay. I repeat my prayers to this day.
Sons, listen better, to your mothers' words. Look back as you play. Look back.
The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today. The Dragon King will dispatch his troop today.
One two three. Come. One two three. Come. Eh-ce-yo. Row!

要回头 回头 要回头
欸噻喔 划来啊!
I repeat my prayers to this day.
Look back as you play. Look back. Look back.
Eh-ce-yo. Row!

The west ferry crossing.

七之三 渡口》由上海彩虹室内合唱团演唱,该首音乐收录在《白马村游记》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



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