Aren't you being premature? Isn't it a bit too soon? I used to have to suffer, the ravings of a fool... Am l being immature? But, making noise is what I do, Why do I have to suffer, the rantings of a fool...
*I need to dream, the dreams. that lead to the future... Instead of these nightmares. starring you. . .
#You little upstart. you better not, Come around asking for money. This ain't no freak show, or don't you know, It's just a cocktail party.
You mean old bastard, you're such a jerk. I wouldn't ask you for nothing, This ain't no peep show. Well whada you know it's just a cocktail party…
Am I being insecure? But, Dr. B says I'm cool. AII you've got to offer, are ramblings of a fool...? Time to start my overture. something so brand new. I'm just sick and tired, of listening to you… I used to have, these weird, peculiar nightmares. I used to have nightmares, staming you…