FUZZY CONTROL Woo!!! 作词:FUZZY CONTROL 作曲:FUZZY CONTROL what's going on? what do you want? tigger says“I'm the only one” how do yo think? 绝叫!ニヤッと微笑むヒゲ女! mojo hando! I don't like you but I love you I wanna become“only one”“only you” 生か死か!?更衣室にミソパン忘れた!死でしょう。 vitamin C! 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 anyway area of forest is 100 acres 密着!汗だくの毛モジャ!死でしょう。 what's up boy! woo!!! yeah tell me why? 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey everybody? Juon Joe, what did you say now? 恐怖! ワキの color 気になる灰色。 hey joe some on! アイヤー! ROCK'N'ROLL!! say or do!say or do!say or do!polo polo!!! 辉け!いや、やっぱあんまり don't shine my head!! ハイサイオジサン 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!!!!!!!!!!! 今日だけ“I do nothing”can!? わかんない? 身の毛もよだつ! 用を足した直后! JSJ!! woo!!! yeah tell me why? woo!!! yeah tell me why?
标签: 歌词大全