人间 |
专辑歌曲1.Today 2.黄泉露 3.浪人剑客 4.人间 5.震动你和我 6.我是一大热狗 7.最后的摇滚乐 专辑介绍SADOG成立七年来发行的首张专辑,里头汇集了主唱陈融在18岁到20岁间的一小部分创作,少年徬徨、猜忌、对世界不公不义的讽刺......等,全部浓缩成一张CD,其中以“人间”一曲最为代表半成年,抑郁、自我怀疑的灰色风景。 “我们都忘记了那天,是谁请我们喝的酒,是我的仇人啊?还是我的朋友?” The first album released by SADOG in the past seven years, the collection of the singer Chen Rong in a small part of the 18 to 20 years old creation, juvenile jealousy, jealousy, irony of the world unjust and injustice...etc. Concentrated into a CD, the 'Human' is the most representative of the semi-adult, depressed, self-doubt gray landscape. 'We have forgotten that day, who invited us to drink, is my enemy? or my friend?' |