Looking out the window at the clouds flying by I wonder if You moved them with a thought or with a breath And as they pass, I see the beauty of the sky And wonder how You decided to make it that blue And once again, I'm amazed
I see the miracle of a baby being born And wonder how You give us life I see this young boy trying to grow into a man And wonder how You let us live so long And once again, I'm amazed
And I can see the majesty You have made And I gaze into the eyes of Your creatures And I can feel the wind You breathe on my face And I'm amazed at the wonder of it all
When beauty breaks forth from the shell of a worm I wonder how You give it wings When green leaves burst into the colors of a flame I wonder why October is time for the display
And once again, I'm amazed
And I can see the majesty You have made And I gaze into the eyes of Your creatures And I can feel the wind You breathe on my face And I'm amazed at the wonder of it all
And I'm amazed, speechless Stand in awe, astounded Can't believe, Jesus What You've done for me
The wonder of it all The wonder of it all The wonder of it all
I can see the majesty You have made I gaze into the eyes of Your creatures I can feel the wind You breathe on my face And I'm amazed at the wonder of it all