Face of the Enemy Drugs! The Booze! My social life dies In the name of excessive fun Tried to escape from which I cannot hide Almost died 'cause I'm on the run
Searching for the answer I don't have a clue Sinking ever further Put the blame on you? Time to open my eyes and see that the enemy is me
It's time to face the enmy Is it my fault or destiny? Confusion's got the best of me The mirror reflects what I see Depraved of sight, where lies the key? Oh yeah
Liar! Betrayer! What has gone wrong? Does my life has to end this way? I've put the blame where doesn't belong Shattered goals in the name of fun
Still I keep on trying There's no end in sight
Yet I keep on lying Is it worth the fight? Time to open my eyes and see that the enemy is me
It's time to face the enmy Is it my fault or destiny? Confusion's got the best of me The mirror reflects what I see Depraved of sight, where lies the key? Oh yeah
Seek - the truth! It comes from inside Two-way street, you are not alone All the facts which you've always denied Are to learn from - put aside your pride
It's time to face the enmy Is it my fault or destiny? Confusion's got the best of me The mirror reflects what I see Depraved of sight, where lies the key? Oh yeah