都会甘愿 重燃我当天的理想 Has this issue ever crossed your mind While you'#39;re asking me The same old questions time after time You'#39;ve got an answer to that So why'#39;d you bother to ask If I regretted what I did Within this life that I'#39;ve lived Do I owe you an explanation Of one of my own self-explanatory decisions Thanks for the love, pain and tears I'#39;m doing fine right now No fears 用这生 谱上我歌 我的心 那怕动乱 但我身 却太疲倦 若现时问我试过可会后悔 舍弃机会 从头开始 但默言渡过每晚使我罪过 请你收下 同情与虚假的眼光 默默然步向远处天国路去 不要洒泪 无人怪罪 命运如让我再次选我路向 都会甘愿 重燃那冰封的缺口