


《BULLET TO THE HEART》是你遇到挫折时的彻心之痛。深爱的人,最在意的事,往往却会给自己带来彻心之痛。这些好似不可控的伤害,一颗颗穿透心脏,直至内心。闭上眼睛,《BULLET TO THE HEART》展示的就是你受伤后抽象的纯白色精神世界。爱情、亲情、工作、社会…相信你一定也曾有过身不由己,表面对世界强颜欢笑,内心却是如同过膛般痛苦难熬的时刻。受伤后可以离开,但我依旧选择留在原地。因为I love you too much.这是勇气,更是担当。

《BULLET TO THE HEART》这首曲目用简洁的器乐配置,以新世代的 urban sound描绘了王嘉尔直面内心时的坚定。嘶哑的声线带来最真实的撕心裂肺疼痛感,勾勒出一曲深情的当代都市律动。MV 的打造上亦采用极简理念,纯白配色布景空间突出“内心纠葛”的矛盾感,打造极简前卫的东方视觉美学。

Triple-threat Jackson Wang is a Chinese rapper, singer and dancer and also currently the lead member of phenomenon K-pop group GOT7 based in South Korea. Jackson is breaking out in true form with his newest solo single, “BULLET TO THE HEART” today via Western and 6th. A soulful pop record that pairs minimalist instrumentation and galvanizing 808s with Jackson’s distinct voice and emotionally entangled lyrics, “BULLET TO THE HEART” highlights the artist’s steadfastness in the face of pain and hardship.

To coincide with the single, Jackson has also released the music video for “BULLET TO THE HEART” today. Directed by Daniel Cloud Campos, whose credits include Zedd, Paramore, and Panic! at the Disco, among others, the music video compliments the inner-struggle of Jackson’s lyrics -- as represented by an enigmatic femme fatale figure who has captured Jackson’s attention and exudes control over his feelings.

Jackson explains “Listeners might analyze the song as a love story. It is, but it’s also applicable to much more than romantic love. We always face different obstacles in life.No matter how successful you are, hardships are still going to keep coming like an endless cycle; they will keep torturing you on this journey to success. A perspective that I am trying to portray is that when your passion and dedication to something are so strong, they can hold a large amount of power over you! So powerful that you are willing to repeat this endless cycle, willing to accept the torture. I believe we are able to endure and accomplish anything because love overcomes everything”

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