there was no rule I won't wake up early there was no rule that I had to worship and i don't care i don't care how did I ever looks like a soldier there was no truth even if you speak friendly there was no truth though you treat me like a family and I would see now I have seen how far the dream is after I'm in sober
或许 说穿了只是各取所需 你有我看不透的算计 我有你承担不起的野心 and maybe 到头来也是该感谢你 是如何锻炼我的耐性 我有勇气来面对一切将失去
before we promised each other before there's no interest between us no place where I must go for the sky could be so beautiful before we wait until it's over before we compromise in quiet don't forget what you must pay for just be happy with the crappy ending
或许 不是你不单纯的动机 就怪我只有满腔热情 被灌醉于你满口花言巧语 oh maybe 你还有可原谅的余地 没摧毁我仅剩的躯体 I still can rule the world with my music