Awesome God Verse: I've never thought I was worthy of Your grace But You gave it to me anyway. And if I took all day, It wouldn't be long enough for me To express my gratitude. You never remind me of my mistakes, But You show me my destiny.
Chorus: What an awesome God You are. You're an awesome, awesome God. What an awesome God You are. You're an awesome, awesome God.
(Verse -> Chorus)
Bridge (2x): You hold the world in Your hand; Such an awesome God You are.
The winds and the waves obey Your command; What a mighty God You are.
(Chorus 3x, worship leader ad lib)
Ending: There is no one like You, God. You're awesome, so awesome. Who am I that you're mindful of me? What an awesome God You are. (2x)
You're awesome... so awesome... You're awesome... so awesome... What an awesome God You are.
What an awesome God You are. You're an awesome, awesome God.