
和声:Credit Card(王薇伊)&Aminah Resor

贝斯& 键盘:Gaston

Everybody want to be like this , come on just dance like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just move like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just party like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on be freeman like this .

Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free.
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is ha……

在大街上 脱个精光 无任何伪装
整个地方 正消费一场意识上的饥荒
看一片浮躁景象 好适合经商 粘在电视机上
打著名雕像 打穷人的胸膛
不重要 有贩卖门票的生存渠道
说唱歌手打上引号 在酒店里睡觉
And girls like this.(女孩儿们喜欢这个)
这场party(聚会)好热闹 都爱躁
好不好 都能成为你骄傲
舔麦克风 安静就好 别太多噪音
貌似西行取经 要耐心 才能被口爆
oh wow
叫old school(经典的风格)的护士翘著屁股喂你个药物

Everybody want to be like this , come on just dance like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just move like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just party like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on be freeman like this .

Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is hiding in the street.

Look people just wanna be free.
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is ……

Yes like this (就像这样)简单像走路
你有我 我有音乐 比三角形稳固
都到干扰不到 Because I have the roots (因为我有扎实的基础)
像个术士 律动控制 时间流逝里注视
抓住了文字 然后把它全塞进裤子
你看 口袋里全是我对押韵的固执
仿佛卡在灰色地带 膝盖像得了风湿
厉害 享受疼痛贯穿整个时代
是谁通知 你天才来自肤色与籍贯
从不消失 直到每条街道都塞满
说唱是空气 我呼吸带着污染的敏感
所以就funk (语气词:走起来)没有营养成份的快餐吧谁又能说苍白不是一种爱

Everybody want to be like this , come on just dance like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just move like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just party like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on be freeman like this .

Everybody want to be like this , come on just dance like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just move like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on just party like this.
Everybody want to be like this ,come on be freeman like this .

Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free.
But something weird is hiding in the street.
Look people just wanna be free .
But something weird is ha……

如果我终究被pass(淘汰) 不算件大事
放下笔和纸 躺在时间里过假日
Hey WTF?(你刚才说什么?)
你有废话 我有Funk and jazz(放克和爵士)

..............I'm KAREEMAN(我叫做咖弗里曼)

自由》由Kafe.Hu演唱,该首音乐收录在《KAFREEMAN Part 1》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



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  • 泮哥: 喜欢这种复古的感觉,就很怀旧不是吗
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  • 泮哥: 最喜欢的民谣歌手之一