
说好不散 (Live)

我不愿 伤感的话谁都别提起
就是想 眼神中的默契有交集
一转眼 场景忽然闪回在倒叙
回忆被剪辑 第一次遇见你
用镜头来刻画 把感动都升华
那些笑声歌声 永恒刹那
我们说好了不散 故事没讲完
暂时分别 只不过为了再相见
太多经典的片段 在心中翻出新篇
这过往的终点 这未来的起点
那么的平凡却 又不凡
笑一笑 背对着你也难 挥一挥手
要不要 让我在原地 多些停留
心里话 越想说越会 说不出口
相信你懂我 没说出来感受
用镜头来刻画 把感动都升华
那些笑声歌声 永恒刹那
我们说好了不散 故事没讲完
暂时分别 只不过为了再相见
太多经典的片段 在心中翻出新篇
这过往的终点 这未来的起点
那么的平凡却 又不凡
这青春 彼此分担
这舞台 不同以往的你我
我们说好了不散 把故事讲完
暂时分别 只不过为了再相见
由你们来作伴 由你们来分享
快乐没那么快 难过没那么难
我们说好了不散 故事没讲完
暂时分别 只不过为了再相见
太多经典的片段 在心中翻出新篇
这过往的终点 这未来的起点
那么的平凡却 又不凡
期待这句话说了 要算

Say good (Live) - Wang Yuan

Word: Zhang Chuqiao
Song: Wu Lecheng
Original song: say scattered
Original singer: JC (Chen Wutong)
Arranger: Kong Yiyi
Positioning producer: Liu Zhou
Adapted song name: say good
New words: Lin Qiao / Sun Yi
I don't want to be sad, don't mention anyone.
Just want to have a tacit understanding of the eyes
In a blink of an eye, the scene suddenly flashed back in flashback
Memories are being edited, I met you for the first time.
Use the lens to portray
Those laughter songs, eternal moments
We said that it's not good, the story is not finished.
For the time being, just to see each other again.
Too many classic clips
This past end point, the future starting point
So ordinary but extraordinary
Smile, it's hard to turn your back to you.
Would you like me to stay in the same place?
The more I want to say, the more I say, the more I can't say it.
I believe you know me, I didn't say it.
Use the lens to portray
Those laughter songs, eternal moments
We said that it's not good, the story is not finished.
For the time being, just to see each other again.
Too many classic clips
This past end point, the future starting point
So ordinary but extraordinary
This youth share each other
This stage is different from the past you and me.
How much is harvested
Really a trump card to understand each other
The most authentic self-discharge
We said that we are good enough to finish the story.
For the time being, just to see each other again.
Come by you, share with you
Happiness is not so fast, sad, not so difficult
Smile is simpler
From now on
Our agreement says that it is good
From now on
I look forward to saying this sentence.
We said that it's not good, the story is not finished.
For the time being, just to see each other again.
Too many classic clips
This past end point, the future starting point
So ordinary but extraordinary
From now on
I am looking forward to saying this sentence.

说好不散 (Live)》由王源演唱,该首音乐收录在《说好不散》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



  • 嗨曲: 音乐论坛
  • 泮哥: 谢谢你,现在正在更改网站前端布局,有些细微的地方还没改好
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  • 泮哥: 喜欢这种复古的感觉,就很怀旧不是吗
  • typecho论坛: 好复古的table布局啊
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