hashtags give me those 触及率 还不够 尽管赞我爱我笑我嘘我恨我骂我 I need more yah 狂到登上卡提诺 yah yah I don't need no mansions I just need more mentions I don't need your friendship just give me more attention I need more yah 狂到登上卡提诺 yah yah
点阅率是新的货币 人们在网络上作戏 可以go viral 干嘛go deep u don't need a moral for an IG story 随着泛滥的流量 货币开始通货膨胀 以前十万就能冲上排行 现在百万点击还不如个内容农场 广告商是地下钱庄 初衷全都拿来典当 锁定目标对象 加强推广 只为 让你五秒之后关掉视窗 串流平台不再拨款 分享量骤降 没人愿意周转 他们说 guess what 朋友 风水轮流转 谁叫你要把存在感刷到信用破产
give me that动新闻 give me that狂新闻 give me that 假新闻炒新闻 有新闻就是好新闻 give me that 今周刊 give me that 镜周刊 give me that 娱乐版 社会版 八卦版 joke版 shit i'll do anything for that 头版
hashtags give me those 触及率 还不够 尽管赞我爱我笑我嘘我恨我骂我 I need more yah 狂到登上卡提诺 yah yah I don't need no mansions I just need more mentions I don't need your friendship just give me more attention I need more yah 狂到登上卡提诺 yah yah
make a fuss to make a buzz ha I made u look u a slave to a page on my facebook Instagram youtube dcard 微博 推特 fuck your fans homie I got more haters
点阅率是新的毒品 一旦成名无法苏醒 戒不掉的戒断 视窗不断切换 shit what the fuck am I doing
give me that动新闻 give me that狂新闻 give me that 假新闻炒新闻 有新闻就是好新闻 give me that 今周刊 give me that 镜周刊 give me that 娱乐版 社会版 八卦版 joke版 shit i'll do anything for that 头版
hashtags give me those 触及率 还不够 尽管赞我爱我笑我嘘恨我骂我 I need more yah 狂到登上卡提诺 yah yah I don't need no mansions I just need more mentions I don't need your friendship just give me more attention I need more yah 狂到登上卡提诺 yah yah
(I need more) spots tliug eht dna emos ekat spord tliug eht dna eno ekat (I need more) 蹋糟它将手亲 evol laer ym yawa werht I (I need more) spots tliug eht dna emos ekat spord tliug eht dna eno ekat (I need more) xobllip ym ni synnax xonlits lynatnef
I need something more something more I need something more I need...