YAH YAH 守护着光 守护着家园 where do you come from 胸前佩戴着勋章 挖掘著金矿 我跳进机场 和敌人刚到底 最安全也最危险 散发著勇气不需要演 I am a flirt 保持本色 GO AND GET IT 盯紧了猎物 GO AND GET IT 我昼伏夜出 NO MERCY NO MERCY身处在丛林中 绝不手软 baby let's move 我前往壹下站 fight 青春的情怀留给豆瓣 爬到了食物链顶端 小熊的饼干是战利品度过了wonderful night
They say we'd never make it They say we'd never make it Lets fight for it fight for it all the way to our destination
You go insane . We go insane. You go insane. We all insane.
Too many lazy boys Too many lazy girls Too many lazy gangs
Too many too many…
岛屿上唯壹的威望 把妳保护在我的手掌 赶走 了所有侵犯为王 I feel like kingkong 但请妳放心 我会变成危险再度光临 目前倒计时最久的炸弹当我生气大家都会害怕 放下包袱起来跳舞 余生和漂亮女孩壹起共度 Im ur fav rapper what u gonna do 'i am my fav rapper' what i gonna do Boys hitting phone, tellin me don't doing it alone. Lets go to fight for home. 后备厢战利品还不够
They say we'd never make it They say we'd never make it Lets fight for it fight for it all the way to our destination
You go insane . We go insane. You go insane. We all insane.
Too many lazy boys Too many lazy girls Too many lazy gangs
Too many too many…
只有我们还清醒 满后备厢的战利品 目的不需要提醒 Way to destination 只有我们还清醒 满后备厢的战利品都盖不上车盖 目的不需要遮盖 All my sisita and brotherhood in my ride full
来自 荒野 丛林 中的猎人 wow 寻找 我的 最美丽的猎 物 不管炎热或寒冷 别羡慕我的皮肤 我的天赋异禀 切换懒惰勤奋 就让整个party跟着我转 I am not the only one on fire YAH YAH
Lazy boys lazy girls living in the jungle 等待我们拯救 lazy gang we are insane
You go insane . We go insane. You go insane. We all insane.
Too many lazy boys Too many lazy girls Too many lazy gangs