
七之七 落霞

窗外泉流 唤醒森林 抱山乱云 岚朝霭夕
拄杖蹒跚 拂风而上 山的顶端 白昼极光
白天是夜晚 这一定不是我想象
你看那花儿都已雕谢 只是化作了蝴蝶
快看呀 快看呀 漫山遍野 花蝴蝶

Outside the window, a brook wakes the forest up
Clouds clutter around the mountains dawn and mist
Stagger with a walking stick climbs up the hill in the breeze
On the top Northern Lights dazzle in the daytime
The day is night Surely this is not my imagination
Look there the flowers wither and they just turn into butterflies
Come and look quick over the mountains and across the plain flowery butterflies


Evening rain scrubs the leaves and flowers
Ice crystals cut open night and dawn
Muddy ground reflects the ever-changing clouds from yesterday
And beneath the stone statues, ancient white robes lie bare

Eventide cloaks the sky

脉搏来自于海 回来
心跳来自于山 回来
呼吸来自于风 回来
那是雪山 化为江川
在世界尽头 毛茸茸的大象
那时火光 燃烧苍南
太阳 太阳 太阳 太阳

Pulse from the ocean come back
Heartbeat from the mountains come back
Breath from the wind come back
Blood from the dawn to come next
Snow-capped mountains melt and feed into rivers
Furry elephants stand at the edge of the world
At that time fire blazed up the distant South
Behind the clouds there lived four suns
The sun the sun the sun the sun

我好困啊 想睡觉啦 我好困呐

I am so tired I long for sleep I am so tired

七之七 落霞》由上海彩虹室内合唱团演唱,该首音乐收录在《落霞集》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



  • 嗨曲: 音乐论坛
  • 泮哥: 谢谢你,现在正在更改网站前端布局,有些细微的地方还没改好
  • typecho论坛: 提几个建议,手机端按钮重叠了,还有这个关于页面布局右边的边栏感觉怪怪的
  • 泮哥: 喜欢这种复古的感觉,就很怀旧不是吗
  • typecho论坛: 好复古的table布局啊
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  • 泮哥: 最喜欢的民谣歌手之一