
七之五 云上的鲸

东南北而去 一二三五六七 见兮藏兮 尾巴变身体
你掉进海底 它回去深山里 快兮慢兮 最后在一起

To the East South and North one two three five six seven
One moment it was there the next it was gone and the tail became the body
You fell to the bottom of the sea It went back into the mountains
One moment it was fast another it was slow at last all came together

云端的兽 它好像在招手 光斑在亲吻著海水的额头
季风是远方 给岛屿酿的酒 抓起石头
丢下崖壁 我听不见声音 沈入水底 是珊瑚和海泥
流光旖旎 像野火 点燃水晶

Wild animal on the cloud, like it was waving. Light kissed the forehead of the sea
The monsoon was wine offered to the islands from afar. Grabbed a pebble and
Threw it off the cliff. I heard no sound of its sinking to the bottom, where there were corals and sea mud
The moonlight was wildfire igniting a crystal

澹澹粼粼 飞火流星 云上的那只鲸 他离我越来越近
骇浪潋潋 青草凄凄 越来越近 越来越近
红色的云 吞噬天明 云上的鲸 越来越近

Rippling and sparkling were the shooting stars
That whale on the cloud he was getting closer and closer to me
Through stormy sea and desolate turf, getting closer and closer
The burning clouds swallowed the daylights
The whale on the cloud was getting closer and closer

它睡在我们面前 一年又零三个月 雨一刻不停
它正在日渐消瘦 最后都看不见 风卷起森林
是变成云上的鲸 还是变成了蝴蝶 雷是谁在哭泣
我亲爱的Luka怎么跟你告别 电抽打着大地

It slept right there before us, for a year and a quarter
The rain wouldn't stop
It was getting gaunt We couldn't see it anymore
The gale rolled up the forest
Did it become a whale on the cloud or a butterfly The thunder there was it someone weeping
My dear Luka how to bid farewell to you Lightning stroke the earth

它睡在我们面前 一年又零三个月 雨一刻不停
它正在日渐消瘦 最后都看不见 风卷起森林
Luka 亲爱的Luka 雷是谁在哭泣
我亲爱的Luka怎么跟你告别 你去了哪里

It slept in front of us for a year and a quarter The rain wouldn't stop
It was getting gaunt We couldn't see it anymore
The gale rolled up the forest
Luka, dear Luka that thunder there was it someone weeping
My dear Luka how to bid farewell to you Where did you go


Mother said in the end we would all turn into a breeze
Wrapped in the sunset and that would be time to return to your side

七之五 云上的鲸》由上海彩虹室内合唱团演唱,该首音乐收录在《落霞集》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



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  • 泮哥: 喜欢这种复古的感觉,就很怀旧不是吗
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