昨天你为了薪水烦恼 说这么多年了一点都没调 You worried wages yesterday, didn't get any raise over the years
今天你为了想要得到 脑中剩自己和目标 Eager for success, only self and goal in your eyes
Ada yg berjuang hanya Untuk melewati hari (平行世界 有些人 只希望活过这一刻) Some people hope to live for the moment in the parallel world
Menutup hari dengan harapan Mentari esok kan datang bersinar (带着温饱 闭上眼 明天的太阳 能不能见的到) Make ends meet, wondering if the sun still shining tomorrow
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 拥有的其实不算少 So lucky, actually I have a lot
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 呼吸也感到饱足 So lucky, even only taking a breath
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 生命故事早已写好 So lucky, the story of life is already arranged
当作一场游戏就会好玩 Treat it as a game and you will have fun
cinta pernah membuatmu galau Tak tahu apa membuatmu risau (上次你为了感情苦恼 那个他 不懂浪漫情调) Last time you worried about the relationship, the unromantic lover
Hatimu masih menyimpan rasa Terkurung di dalam dada (这一次你仍然为情困扰 你的心仍未走出来) This time you still puzzle, didn't go through the dark
Terkadang risau yang ada Dimulai dari kita (那些烦恼 有些事 都是自己在寻找) All the worries and troubles are self asking for
Tiada yg sempurna
Arahkan pandangan Ayunkan langkah ke depan (没有最好只有更好 别往回看你失去的 张开手看见你还拥有什么) There is no best only better Don't look back something has lost but open arms to embrace what we have
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 拥有的其实不算少 So lucky, actually I have a lot
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 呼吸也感到饱足 So lucky, even only taking a breath
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 生命故事早已写好 So lucky, the story of life is already arranged
当作一场游戏就会好玩 Treat it as a game and you will have fun
悲伤的感觉 袭来 像暗夜个雷公 来到 慌张的看不到 方向 The feeling of sadness invade Like thunder in the night Being panic without direction
看不见星光个天空 在暗埔夜大雨以后 开始洗净寂寞 希望 总是 在出日头以后 The night after heavy rain Dark sky without star The rain wash loneliness The hopes come after sunrise
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 拥有的其实不算少 So lucky, actually I have a lot
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 呼吸也感到饱足 So lucky, even only taking a breath
Beruntung Beruntung(幸运) 生命故事早已写好 So lucky,the story of life is already arranged
当作一场游戏就会好玩 Treat it as a game and you will have fun