Beyond the sky across the ocean Till we see the light again No matter what, let's walk this long and winding road Together now, we can get to a place in the sun
そうだ、海まで行こうよ ゆっくり时间をかけてさ Fast lane ばかりじゃない人生 Lazy ボクらなりのペースで
(Hey)Why do we have to hurt each other? (Wait)Why can't we just love one another? (Rain)Can't take no more tears and sorrow… (Today)Let's make it better for tomorrow
Just sit back and chill for the moment Tic Tac 过ぎゆく时代に ペースを乱されてしまわぬように
Just wanna say No need to rush, everything's gonna be okay (Let's)find our way never too late no reason to wait 弱さズルさ优しさ That's all in you 强さよりも素直さ I'm loving you