Now music biz is fucked up Ya just like your hair cut All my boys gon put up Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up Bitches shut the fucked up 不要跟我哈哈 She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up Now music biz is fucked up Ya just like your hair cut All my boys gon put up Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up Bitches shut the fucked up 不要跟我哈哈 She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up 我以前 feel so lonely 迁就于大环境 还不会得到同意 我现在 Big Shit popping only 创造大数据 管你同不同意 进账是陆续 I Know 没你的多 08是独立 不被框架勒索 敌人全树立 我名单好多人头 干你娘鸡掰 毕竟我深爱过 深爱过 x3 深入体会 起起落落 (KIKILOLO) 这个game 为了钱 为了fame Shout out to KIKI & LOLO 圈子像披萨 I want a piece huh IM a Ninja Turtle 越活越年轻 台湾班杰明 living like YOLO 你阿妈是智障 专门都生呸仔 娘泡做的shit 拜托不要打我电话 别放公关票 林北没兴趣 肏了 一堆小朋友 看我很高兴 不要 机 会 我要你哭 唱一堆屁 粉丝都猪 没屌的 惯性来 装逼我 诶又 只好来打破头 你是个 过期的 老猪头 唬 妄想有处女膜 乔乔我 全新的态 度 woo 真的太酷 Now music biz is fucked up Ya just like your hair cut All my boys gon put up Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up Bitches shut the fucked up 不要跟我哈哈 She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up 我的兄弟都是蛇 其他的人poser, dey aint drip enuf 欢迎光临我的hood 身旁都是恶棍 陷阱台北他们知道我在哪里plug 千万别碰 发型像梅杜莎 台下的欢呼声太大 听不见你在讲话
Everything litty, I love when it's hot 热得像火焰在烧 融化了几千美刀 叠起来好几层高 没有偶包 仿佛地球 在围着我绕 钞票在追着我跑 现在才觉得我好 你的烦恼我都了 继续的running ya mouth 看我在chasing the clout, wow! 这么烂的deal我不签 这么懒的公司不屑 怎么怪我太多主见 Wanna touch my shit 请你付钱 他们全都说我没有救 圈子太丑陋 Wanna be rich 就要打假球 but i just wanna pay my bills Sell my soul 这种破事已经干过 靠着自己不再犯错 See my squad 我的团队一起战斗 我不犯人谁敢犯我 Nickthereal Sowut Asiaboy 蛋头 一个就够让你颤抖 就看看我 看着自己月赚几十万 要干 我自己干 赞啦 Now music biz is fucked up Ya just like your hair cut All my boys gon put up Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up Bitches shut the fucked up 不要跟我哈哈 She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up I don't need no introduction boy 他们自然 pay attention boy 我有太多的 ambition boy 我太多太多 vision boy 他们老说这样不行 但他们说的话我不听 So You and me we on the mission 华语音乐文化复兴 They fuck up your dreams Fuck up the plan, they fuck up your bands 发生了几遍 They don't understand, we not the same! We not the same Fuck that shit, Lame! Fuck Fuck That shit, Lame! Fuck Fuck That shit, Lame! Fuck Fuck That shit Now music biz is fucked up Ya just like your hair cut All my boys gon put up Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up Bitches shut the fucked up 不要跟我哈哈 She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up