OMI Can You See The Light 作词:JUN 作曲:UTA 儚い夜の果てに 気づけば I've come so far 见渡す限りの闇 静寂の世界 伪りと真実の狭间に また一つ何かを失う 秽れていく心と身体は 绮丽なままじゃいられないのさ Can you see the light Answer is in the dark Can you see the light Answer is in the dark 暗闇の中を行く 手を伸ばせば Still far 鼓动が踊る限り 探し続けてる 悲しみの数だけ知るほどに また一つ答えに近づく 见つめているその先は Heaven 翼はない、でも飞び立つのさ Can you see the light Answer is in the dark Can you see the light Answer is in the dark 光と影 Time to say good night Who are you? Come show me I want to see I want to see 终わりの始まりかもしれない それでも明日が来るのならば 一筋の光を頼りに I will dance all night 爱してくれるかい? Can you see the light Answer is in the dark Can you see the light Answer is in the dark Can you see the light Answer is in the dark Can you see the light Answer is in the dark
标签: 歌词大全