take me to a shade nearby I need some space to sing this lullaby oh dear lord would you untie this knot
tearing down an old burnt shed you need some air your drowning instead oh fear not I'm sure it won't last long
むせこんだlemonade 画面には地下鉄とacid bombs and blades 目を背けていた真っ黒い家系図 10 days of grace与えぬdisgrace
利権を単に得ようたって无駄 人间万事塞翁が马 麻痺る横隔膜てか、情弱か まだ见ぬ明日への方角は you can say that again 积もる忖度(そんたく)は 浴びる骂声、批判そして音楽が 心地よく溶け込むこの硬膜は There ain't no single reason for you to hold back
途中で投げ出したgraffiti clear cut出だしになびくlilly 基线に戻らぬ波
散り散りに 确かに乗せた言の叶にインディゴに 染まれ一寸先のagony 歯切れの悪い文言の占い Suddenly, i've been taken back to reality sure I've done my basic anatomies