Talk to me babe Why won't you talk to me babe Let your guards down and talk to me Talk to me babe Talk to me babe Why won't you talk to me babe Let your guards down and talk to me Talk to me babe
情歌适合拿来可怜自己 但不会帮你走出下一步 那只会是你自己的功课没别条路 这次的伤口是不是毁灭的关键 还是结痂然后长茧再变成更强壮的人 把心房锁上了门 直到再次遇到让你血液变烫的人 学着放下比扛起来还难 像心脏重了gun shot 咬牙继续往前走 像哭到粧花了 硬挤出一个微笑 勇敢面对疮疤 跟它互利共生 见缝插针 yeah 相信什么事情发生 都有原因 就只能见缝插针 Life is hard but you Held it down and went through the hard times with me When words can't express you'd get me Seeking answers together in this cold city
you bring the best out of me Sometimes the worst And I know my words kill Babe and I know it hurts still We the only two who can stand each other's temper 陪伴彼此一起成长 每当我起身 准备离开 放下妳一人 我做不来
you bring the best out of me Sometimes the worst And I know my words kill Babe and I know it hurts still We the only two who can stand each other's temper 陪伴彼此一起成长 每当我起身 准备离开 放下妳一人 我做不来 不想放弃因为还爱