Begin to Hope |
专辑歌曲1.Fidelity 2.Better 3.Samson 4.On The Radio 5.Field Below 6.Hotel Song 7.Apres Moi 8.20 Years Of Snow 9.That Time 10.Edit 11.Lady 12.Summer In The City 专辑介绍AMG、Guardian 四颗星、PopMatters 9分、Pitchfork 7.5 分高评价 ‘这是一张具一贯性,才气十足且大胆的唱片,值得一听’…Amazon网站 这位出生于莫斯科但成长纽约布朗克斯的创作女声Regina Spektor,在主流唱片重新发行“Soviet Kitsch”专辑后,获得传媒包括滚石、浮华世界、纽约时报一致推荐。听过她的声音后,想必你会马上被她那神似Tori Amos、Fiona Apple与Bjork式,但却更温暖、天真与纯粹,不受约束的自信嗓音所吸引。整张全新专辑充满惊奇,不似“Soviet Kitsch”只有钢琴伴奏,这次更加进吉他与轻快的絃乐编曲等元素。如同开场曲'Fidelity',如天使的歌声,加上大胆而奇异的歌词马上勾住听者的耳朵,这股魔力,一直持续至'Better'、'On The Radio' 等歌曲。除了这些天马行空的创作外,还有如'Samson'、'Field Below'的抒情作品和'Hotel Song'等流行佳作。值得你一听再听。 Regina Spektor's last album, 2004's Soviet Kitsch, garnered praise from Time, Rolling Stone, Spin, Vanity Fair, The New York Times and many others. But this Russian-born, Bronx-bred singer-songwriter-pianist, who emerged from the NYC cafe circuit, continues to expand her vision. On Begin To Hope, produced by David Kahne (The Strokes, Sublime, Sugar Ray), she broadens here palette with electric guitar, drum machines and seductive electronic loops, finding new canvases for her provocative vocal style. Hope for pop has arrived with Regina Spektor. |