
1.Waiting Outside The Lines(勇敢守候)

2.Unfriend You(删除好友)

3.Home Is In Your Eyes(回家的渴望)

4.Hold On 'Til The Night(就在今夜)

5.Heart Like Stone(心像冰冷的石头)

6.Little London Girl(伦敦女孩)


8.Summer Train(夏日列车)


10.Take A Look At Me Now(看看我)

11.Slipping Away(逃跑)


满分男孩 葛瑞森

* Lady Gaga师弟,全球最红小学生,告示牌誉为百分百“天才神童”,娱乐周刊盛赞“不可思议的歌声!”
*自弹自唱卡卡'Paparazzi'引爆YouTube四千万次点击 ,创作 写歌 演唱 钢琴 样样一百分!
*首波主打'Waiting Outside The Lines'蝉连全美四周冠军

Greyson Chance 葛瑞森
Hold On 'Til The Night 就在今夜

两次北美巡回表演,应邀在美国白宫演唱,上遍各大脱口秀名嘴的节目,这是许多歌手终其一生梦寐以求的歌唱成就,不过,美国奥克拉荷马州艾德蒙市的 Greyson Chance在他13岁的时候就做到了!这位全球最红的小学六年级生要以首张专辑【Hold On 'Til The Night】跟天王、天后在排行榜上一较高下!

Greyson Chance,1997年8月16日出生于德州,目前定居奥克拉荷马州。他自8岁起,上了三年的钢琴课,从未有过歌唱训练的他,2009年看了Lady Gaga在MTV音乐奖颁奖典礼上演唱'Paparazzi'的表演后,对于Lady Gaga透过钢琴与歌声所展现的强烈情感与戏剧张力深受震撼,随后就在学校为六年级生所举行的歌唱比赛中唱了这首歌。Greyson的哥哥在2010年4 月28日将Greyson在歌唱比赛的演唱放到YouTube网站上,这段影片po上网两周后,美国热门脱口秀节目主持人艾伦(Ellen DeGeneres)看到这段演出,对Greyson的歌声赞叹不已,随即邀请Greyson在5月13日上节目开唱,Lady Gaga当天还call-in现场鼓励Greyson;在这次演唱之后,艾伦宣布创立eleveneleven唱片公司,Greyson Chance成为该公司的首位签约歌手。Greyson效应持续席卷全美:“美国偶像”主持人Ryan Seacrest、玛丹娜、影星艾希顿库奇、华尔街纪事报、ABC与CBS两大电视网、People杂志、纽约邮报纷纷大力推荐,Greyson 的'Paparazzi'演唱影片冲上YouTube年度浏览人气的第3名,至今累积超过4300万人次。

2011年,Greyson Chance发行首张专辑【Hold On 'Til The Night】,专辑邀请The Matrix(*艾薇儿、杰森马耶兹)、Billy Steinberg(*席琳狄翁)、Matt Squire(*席琳娜)等词曲创作与制作团队担任制作,专辑在洛杉矶录制,展现了Greyson的歌艺、歌曲创作与钢琴弹奏等才艺。专辑中有描写克服恐惧的自信力量,也有交织著甜蜜与心碎的青春爱恋,首支抒情单曲'Waiting Outside The Lines'在全美唱片销售榜上蝉连4周冠军,挺进告示牌热门潜力单曲榜第12名,反击脸书人气纷争的第2首单曲'Unfriend You'在YouTube累积600万点播人次,专辑中还有轻快的流行摇滚曲'Little London Girl',真心告白的心情小品'Home Is In Your Eyes'。


When 13-year-old Greyson Chance posted a clip of himself performing Lady Gaga's 'Paparazzi' on YouTube in April, he never dreamed that the video would become a viral sensation viewed by more than 28 million people. The clip, shot by Greyson's dad, shows the Cheyenne Middle School sixth-grader at the piano, singing his heart out at a choir event as the female-dominated audience looks on slack-jawed with amazement.Greyson's obvious talent led to an invitation to appear on The Ellen Degeneres Show just two weeks later (his first-ever plane trip), where he chatted confidently with DeGeneres, performed 'Paparazzi,' and fielded a congratulatory on-air phone call from Lady Gaga herself, who advised him to 'work really hard, be focused, and stay away from girls,' adding what had already become readily apparent: 'You've already won over everyone's hearts.' Indeed this bright-eyed, freckled-faced kid has become a star in just a few short months. During Greyson's second appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show a week later, DeGeneres announced that he was to become the first artist signed to her newly formed label eleveneleven Records, which will release his first single this fall on eleveneleven, Maverick and Geffen Records.'This is my dream and I'm living it,' Greyson says. 'I've never wanted to do anything else except write songs and perform them.' Greyson is currently in the studio working on his debut album with veteran songwriter/producer and Geffen Records chairman Ron Fair (Christina Aguilera, Black Eyed Peas, Pussycat Dolls). 'I've already written a few of the songs,' Greyson says, adding that he has a few surprises up his sleeve.Spending time in a professional recording studio in Los Angeles is a long way from hanging out with his friends in his hometown of Edmond, Oklahoma. Born in Wichita Falls, Texas, Greyson moved to Edmond with his family when he was four years old. His mother Lisa can't recall a time when Greyson didn't sing. 'He's always sung,' she says. 'Loud. Anywhere. We hear it all the time.' Greyson began playing the piano at age 8 and took lessons for three years. Never having taken a vocal lesson, his preternatural ability is all guided by instinct. 'He literally just listens to a song and instantly knows what he wants to do with it,' Greyson's older brother, Tanner, says. 'He just feels it.' Greyson says he knew immediately what he wanted to do with his life when he saw Lady Gaga perform 'Paparazzi' at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. 'I was awestruck by her performance,' he says. 'I love her sense of drama and theatricality, plus she's an amazing singer and piano player.' In addition to Lady Gaga, Greyson also admires Christina Aguilera, the rock band Augustana, R&B singer John Legend, singer-songwriter Elton John, and late Beatle John Lennon. 'I love artists who are able to communicate their emotions through music and sing from the heart. That's what I'm hoping to do with my songs.' Greyson is already earning kudos for his original compositions. YouTube clips of him performing 'Stars' (about a woman with cancer who reunites with her husband in heaven) and 'Broken Hearts,' have racked up more than nine million collective views. 'I want people to be able to feel what I'm feeling when I'm singing,' he says. 'That's what it's all about for me.'

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