不想平庸 Unwilling to be mediocre 又害怕孤独 Afraid of being alone 为自己设下重重禁锢 Set me up a heavy confinement 美丽的伪装 Countless beautiful disguises 一堆堆反复无常 The shackles of desire 欲望的桎梏 Always unpredictable and repetitive
时而简单 Sometimes simple 又时而复杂 Sometimes complex 为自己设下种种束缚 Set me up a heavy bondage 谁会知道 Who will know? 这条路会将你带向哪 Where this path will take you? 散发着迷人的光 With an enchanting light
蓝色糖果上瘾 Addicted to blue candy 悬在清晨的阳光里 Hanging in the early morning sun 风吹走了灰烬 Wind blows away the ashes 狂欢逃往蓝天白云 Fleeing to the blue sky and white clouds with wild abandon
血一点点在滴 Blood drips down one by one 重重叠叠沉入海底 Layer upon layer sink to the bottom of the sea 粉饰腐烂的躯体 Powdering the decaying body 太美妙 psycho Too wonderful, PSYCHO
火焰的泪 Tears of Fire 命运之轮回转 The Wheel of Fortune turns 玩弄著谁 Who is being toyed with
一把不安分的枪 A restless gun 渴望毁灭 Longing for destruction
不想平庸 Unwilling to be mediocre 又害怕孤独 Afraid of being alone 为自己设下重重禁锢 Set me up a heavy confinement 美丽的伪装 Countless beautiful disguises 一堆堆反复无常 The shackles of desire 欲望的桎梏 Always unpredictable and repetitive
蓝色糖果上瘾 Addicted to blue candy 悬在清晨的阳光里 Hanging in the early morning sun 风吹走了灰烬 Wind blows away the ashes 狂欢逃往蓝天白云 Fleeing to the blue sky and white clouds with wild abandon 血一点点在滴 Blood drips down one by one 重重叠叠沉入海底 Layer upon layer sink to the bottom of the sea 粉饰腐烂的躯体 Powdering the decaying body 太美妙 psycho Too wonderful, PSYCHO
蓝色糖果上瘾 Addicted to blue candy 悬在清晨的阳光里 Hanging in the early morning sun 风吹走了灰烬 Wind blows away the ashes 狂欢逃往蓝天白云 Fleeing to the blue sky and white clouds with wild abandon 血一点点在滴 Blood drips down one by one 重重叠叠沉入海底 Layer upon layer sink to the bottom of the sea 粉饰腐烂的躯体 Powdering the decaying body 太美妙 psycho Too wonderful, PSYCHO